Meet The Team

Meet the team

KD Safeguarding is a growing team of professionals who have significant experience of working with children and families, dedicated to safeguarding and improving life outcomes.

Kerry Dawson, Lead safeguarding trainer and consultant Kerry has extensive experience in working with children and families in a child protection context within local authorities and the education sector. A CEOP Ambassador and trained trainer with the NSPCC and The Safer Recruitment Consortium, Kerry is an established safeguarding trainer and consultant with over 15 years experience in this area. Kerry started her career in youth work and education welfare and formed part of a multi-agency team for looked after children and teenage parents, before going on to become the Head of Service for an inner-city local authority. Safeguarding children has always been at the heart of Kerry's career whether it be working directly with children and families or in strategic and leadership role, where she represented education at MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference for high levels of domestic abuse) as well as the education lead on the implementation and quality assurance of recommendations of serious case reviews.

Drawing on her experience and passion for safeguarding, Kerry established KD Safeguarding 5 years ago and continues to work across the country with schools and a range of organisations. Kerry is also a volunteer counsellor with the NSPCC, a Safeguarding lead governor and Safeguarding lead for a voluntary sports organisation.

Hayley Smith, Safeguarding trainer and consultant Prior to becoming a Designated Safeguarding Lead, Hayley obtained a degree in psychology and gained her experience in a family support role and as a school attendance officer. As a highly regarded member of any team and wanting to stay close to the frontline, Hayley continues to offer direct work with children and families, alongside her training and consultancy role.

Georgia Marrow, Safeguarding trainer and social work Consultant has considerable experience in working with children and families within local authorities and the education sector. Georgia joined us from a local authority where she was a qualified social worker in The Children We Look After Team. As the allocated social worker, Georgia became an advocate for the most vulnerable children and developed a range of practical resources and direct work tools to keep children safe and to support them to recover from trauma. Working within a multi-agency context, Georgia had gained significant experience and knowledge of working with children, families, and safeguarding professionals. Georgia has also worked within the voluntary and private sector supporting children and young people with autism and learning difficulties; people who are seeking asylum; women who have been victims of domestic abuse and gang related violence. Alongside the great work that Georgia does at KD Safeguarding, she also works on the frontline for a Local Authority's Emergency Duty Team. 


Jemma Hough, Business Support Officer More recently working within a school setting in a business support role, Jemma previously worked in the corporate sector as the Head of Customer Service for a national organisation. Combining her customer focus with her understanding of education settings, Jemma is at the heart of our back-office support to ensure that everything runs smoothly behind the scenes.