Course Outline
This one day course meets the formal training requirements for designated teachers and is suitable for both new and experienced DTs who would like to refresh their knowledge. The course is designed to equip designated teachers, designated safeguarding leads, social workers and those supporting looked after and previously looked after children with the knowledge and understanding needed to offer meaningful, inclusive and effective support in school. The course will cover:
- The statutory duties of the designated teacher for both looked after and previously looked after children.
- Creating a whole school culture of high expectations and where children’s personal, emotional, and academic needs are understood and prioritised.
- Developing practice to meaningfully capture the voice of the child.
- Understanding the role of the Virtual School Head and Virtual School.
- Understanding your role within a multi-agency context and working together with other professionals to achieve improved outcomes for children.
- Supporting staff in mitigating the impact of loss and separation (understanding attachment), past abuse and trauma.
- Developing effective Personal Education Plans and understanding the importance of these in the wider care planning.
- Pupil Premium Plus Grant and how it may be used.
- Developing policy and practice to support admission, good attendance and avoid exclusions.
- Measuring the impact and reporting outcomes.
Who should attend? Head teachers, senior leaders, designated teachers, pastoral leads, SENDCos, wider members of the safeguarding team and social workers.